Terms and Conditions


I. AGREEMENT. This Agreement is between Goodwick Hosting LLC (“Us/Our/We”) and the person renting property on Our website (“You/Your”). By using this website for your short-term rental, You agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms”) of your stay with Us.

II. OCCUPANCY. You shall be permitted to occupy the premises. You have chosen (the “Property”) only for the dates reserved from 4 pm on the check-in date to 11 am on the check-out date. Only You are permitted to occupy the premises, and any other guests will require Our advance written permission. You may not use the Property for any commercial purposes unless requested.

III. RATES. You agree to pay in advance the rates displayed at the time of your reservation, as well as any necessary fees for cleaning, damage, etc.

IV. LIABILITY. We are not liable to You or any of Your invitees, licensees, and/or guests for any damages or injuries occurring on the Property. Should You wish to have protection for such damages or injuries, You agree that it is Your responsibility to purchase insurance for the purpose of protecting You, Your personal property, and any person invited on the Property by You.

V. DAMAGE. You are responsible for any damage to the Property caused by You or any person provided access by You on the Property. You agree that the costs of such damages may be retained from any deposit provided at the time of your reservation or that you may be separately charged for any damage. You are responsible for paying any damage costs within fourteen (14) days of receipt of a demand from Us.

VI. ACCESS. We may access the Property during your stay with 2 hours’ notice or immediately if there is an emergency requiring our immediate attention.

i. Smoking is prohibited at all times and in all locations on the Property.
ii. Illegal drugs are prohibited on the Property, and the authorities will be engaged if possession or use are suspected by Us.
iii. Weapons are prohibited on the Property at all times.
iv. Parties, gatherings, and events are prohibited on the Property except by prior written permission from Us.
v. Pets are prohibited on the Property without prior written permission from Us.
b. FEES.
i. Approved pets are subject to a $200 fee per stay. Subject to change based on length of stay and the number of pets.
ii. Additional guests will result in a fee of $50 per guest per day.
iii. If You or Your guests are found to have smoked on the Property, you will be subject to a fee of $50 per day.
iv. Any late checkout without prior written permission from Us will result in a fee of $50 per half hour. Holdover by You of a day or more will then entitle Us to recover triple the rate you reserved at, for each day you do not surrender possession.
v. You are responsible for any discount or refund owed to the next guest after you that is due to Your failure to follow the House Rules or Your breach of these Terms.
c. SURVEILLANCE. You agree to external video surveillance and internal noise monitoring of the Property.
d. PARKING. You are responsible for confirming the appropriate place to park on or near the Property with Us prior to your occupancy. We are not responsible for any damages that result from improper parking.
e. CONSUMABLES. Any consumables (i.e. coffee, tea, condiments, etc.) that exist on the Property are consumed at Your own risk.
f. CLEANING. You agree to keep the Property tidy and clean during your stay (i.e. removing dirty shoes at the entrance, washing dishes in a timely manner, removing trash, etc.)
g. NOISE. You agree to not make any noise or permit any noise to be made that will disturb neighbors of the Property, especially after 10:00 pm quiet hours (i.e. loud music, etc.)
h. VIOLATION. You agree that any violation of the House Rules will lead to the immediate removal of You and all other guests without refund.

VIII. BREACH. If You fail to comply with any of the Terms in this Agreement, You will be asked to immediately vacate the Property without a refund. You agree to vacate the Property within one (1) hour of the demand.

IX. DISPUTE. You agree that Florida law governs this agreement, and that venue for any claim is proper in Florida. You further agree to waive trial by jury or class action in any proceeding between You and Us.

a. All modifications to any Term in this Agreement must be in writing and signed by You and Us.
b. No waiver of any Term shall occur due to any action or inaction of You or Us.
c. You accept the condition of the Property as is and agree to report any damage or defects discovered immediately upon occupancy.
d. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from the county public health unit.
e. In the event any term or provision of this Agreement is determined by appropriate judicial authority to be illegal or otherwise invalid/revoked, such provision shall be given its nearest legal meaning or be construed as deleted as such authority determines, and the remainder of the Terms shall be construed to be in full force and effect.


Goodwick Hosting
Sebastian Perez